Those were the choices before the cherries become ripe in our yard, now my grand-son goes up the tree and down arrives with a bag full of cherries.
As soon as I have again access to my own computer or a good usb transfer device, the cherries will appear here too.
They are good and crispy, plus so many souvenirs linked to them!
Already at 3 I had to choose how to recognize my things and I choose Cherry. On my drawer, my short everywhere: I was the cherry!
There was a huge cherry tree in my grand parents garden and we went up to eat directly from it.
Until a day someone proposed to go from there on the roof top of the villa, when our grand father ordered the branches cut so we could no more go up.
We were so sad that I still remember it after seventy years!
Even on my honeymoon I went up one, waiting, in vain for him to come and find me and asks forgiveness (I do not remember for what), waited and waited. He fall asleep and never came.
Those are now red and darker, they do ripen so fast this summer.
But nowdays, as the cherry tree is in my yard, even if four families share it, I have new memories coming from the bare winter tree, to the cherry blossom and slow forming, emerging fruits to the fall leaves of all color, and different albums in flickr for
showing them.