At 4th of September we organized a 'Hyde Park Speakers Corner' like even in the Manor Park, behind Locherber Hall.
We meet at Locherber hall in Lee off Lee Hight street every other Wednesday, the 1st and 3rdweeks on each month (unless there is a 5th too) to learn better public speaking skills.
Here, Philip Landergan our Toastmaster Area Governor and Past president of Lewisham speakers speaking with the photographer from the South London Press.
Katrin, our very good VP or Public Relations, invited the South London Press to come to the event, and they send a photographer. At the same time she send a Press Release.
Probably, Friday it did appear the article about us, with a link to our Lewisham speakers website, but I am living in Greenwich.
This morning, my family calls me "you are in the Newspaper" !
Mercury, comes to our house and I run down to see, there were on the floor just arrived, and there was on page four a short but great article using Katrin words about our Club and the Event, and my photo while speaking.
He took quite a lot of photos, so I am not sure why they did choose mine... they even give my name under it!
Well, arriving in London two years ago, it is not so bad to speak in public after only two years!