Friday, December 24, 2010

End of the snowman

I do hope, at least for a few days, it does remain like this, so the Airports can remain open and my daughter arrive here.

A white Christmas is beautiful, on postcards.

A white Christmas was great in my childhood.

We were send out to play on slides on our sloped streets nearby, while the Christmas tree was put up to surprise us, and coming back, we found it there.

I was never thinking of icy snow, or someone opening or closing the airport - we did not have any in our city, and the bus took us later up the hill, so we can ski down on the specially arranged long way:.

In Kolozsvar (now Cluj Napoca) we had snow from end October to mid March, and it was normal and great. I did mind it only once that I had broken my leg, to show off to my father my skying ability going through an field not "broken". But that was not the snow's fault.

I remember wonderful Christmas eve's, in Kolozsvar, all the other children came to my house, they did not have the great Christmas tree my own St Nicolas brought me every year, with the special bonbons on the tree and gifts under it.

Today, it is a blogger that offered a gift: the possibility to see what were, what are, the most looked at entries in any of my blogs!


  1. Yes indeed. I was lucky to have a bit of snow in London and Oxford and then in Paris too -- but I was *very* lucky not to have flights canceled, etc. Looks like I just made it out. And today (12-25) it is snowing lightly here at home in Nara Japan. I do so love snow at Christmas, but I really feel for the people who are stuck because of it :-(

    Merry Christmas!

    Garr Reynolds

  2. Thanks for having visited my blog,

    I did not know you were in London and Paris, and I believed in Japan is summer as in Australia, I must have gotten it wrong then...
