Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Storyteller from Kosovo in London

You do not have to go up on the podium in a theatre, to be storyteller!

This small coffee's owner, is one very good one!

It was a chance I got inside, Sunday, and discovered him. Alone, he felt like speaking, and we did.

First, he told me he is from Kosovo and then about how her mother had to walk with fear to be killed if she stops. Finally, English soldiers took charge of her and send her to England.

After that tale, he told me an old tale in a way it remained like a film in my mind. "One has to be given the key, even the king can not take it!" he told me at the beginning of this, very old Moslem tale that he related so well and so much in detail and with dialogue and imaginary.

Before we went away, as by chance Steve was also there, eating, he took a picture of the Storyteller with me. Between the two of us, he was the better teller!

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