Monday, May 14, 2012

Old tulip from 2005

My grand daughter 13 today. My oldest grand son goes to University in September.

The time passes.

Today, looking for old pictures of my grand daughter, I discovered this fading tulip I took in 2005. Already wanting to prove that there is some beauty or, at least interestingness, in old... tulips.

Somehow, in 2005, as I just passed 70, and oh, how young I was then! I felt, even more "old" then today, when I am approaching the end of the golden 77.

Yes, for some hours, I am full of energy, activity, comedy, then, I feel again old, with aching bones.

So what?

I rest. I read. I sleep. The energy comes back, and even more when I am facing an audience. They give me even more energy. And joy, and reason to go on.

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