Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Music day in France

It was a lot of music in London too even if not a night of music as in France the 20 june, here is an instrument I have seen the first time, in Victoria and Albert Museum.

Anyone knows what instrument that was?

Very interesting and I did like what he did with it, it was called in the program "English folk music".

It was the first - but not the last time - I went to that museum. I was told to go there 'lots of bric and brac!" but I found a great museum not at all "bric and brac" diversity. Greatly arranged rooms and aisles. Sculputres, objects, pictures too.

I will go back soon!

Museums in & out-79Museums in & out-131dvd


  1. As a Londoner who reads, I'd like to invite you to the launch of my new crime thriller, Cut Short, tomorrow evening at Waterstones Islington Green, London N1, 6.30-8pm. You can read about the book on my publisher's website, www.noexit.co.uk
    You would be very welcome to join us and please feel free to bring a friend along.

  2. Julie - I forgot to add:
    Si vous aimez les intrigues detectives, le suspense et le frisson, alors mon livre est fait pour vous! Leigh
