Sunday, February 22, 2009

Wonderful day!

young photographerWonderful day spend with my grand children.

We went out early on a sunny early spring day with three cameras, each its own. She is ten, he is eight. I have Sony, she a Samsung and he an Olympus, but we are passionate photographer looking around for subjects around us.

On the way to discover the first spring flowers behind the house I live now, a cat come in our way. Instantly, it become a diva and the two children turned around and photographed him from all points of views, and even filmed.

The same with two beautiful dogs, but those did not stay quiet for the children, also their owner did try to keep them so they could take photos of them.

Finally, we did arrive to the flowers, and those were also studied and taken from afar and more and more near.

The steady hand of my grand daughter and her camera as well as her patience gives wonderful macros of flowers, already far away from mine. What a joy!

The imagination of my grand-son made me see the dried branches as prison doors coming nearer and nearer, menacing to close, and then the buds more huge then the two story building. It was a great day!

Even the end was great, when after lots of doing, telling, showing, worrying, smiling, hugging, mostly serene but sometimes with sudden yells between them - the apartment I live become quiet again.

The memory of great moments remaining in me as well all our photos.

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