Saturday, March 14, 2009

True and fake

We went to the school the Red Nose Comic relief day, when children were allowed to come how they wanted - even in their pyjama - instead of usual day by day uniform, to take pictures of them.

More then a hundred, great harvest!

Some with their faces painted, others in clown clothes or funny hats, most of them with a red nose in their hands if not their noses. It was a fun day beginning!

After the hundred photos of different children, I came down a bit tired and my daughter in law took a photo of that moment.

As I loved the contrasting colors and the great composition of the image but not a lot my tired face on it, so yesterday evening, I played, taking another, smiling face from an image she has taken a few minutes before of me, and paste it on the tired face. By chance, the two images were not very different in shades and just making it small to fit, I could put it and make a new combined image with it.

No cheating here: I announce what I did!
And here I am, fresh and smiling again!

1 comment:

  1. Aaah ... sweet Dame Julie. You must be one of the funkiest ladies I know. To have mastered photoshop and making such a great "new" image. I am impressed and would love you to one day teach me when you visit China.

    You are surely an inspiration to us all.
