Tuesday, March 4, 2008


There are countless narcissus in Bagatelle park, and I sure also in those of London, but there were only three in my garden.

I did take different photos of them, beginning when they were only in buds, and after opening, in sun and then, after the rain with rain drops still on them.

It rained

After a while, I decided to cut one and transplant it in my bedroom, near the window, where the sun shines in afternoon. In fact, "transplanted" is not the good expression, as I just put it in a vase I bought in Romania.

The flower seems to like it here!

flower inside from afar, detail

Why would I not feel well also living in London?

The change will not be easy, it never is, the periods between two are always difficult, but I may threave elsewhere as my flower does!

Ok, not for "always", but if not every second counts, at least every day does, so I'll just have to use them as much as possible for my age and energy.

1 comment:

  1. You are an incredible woman... I am very impressed and deeply touched by the way you live your life.

    I often went on your french blog... I read your journal, I even copied parts of it "fièvreusement" on paper, once during four hours non stop... until I understood that I also had to collect parts of my life and put them together in one big book.

    I didn't read your blog for a while and am very surprised of your decision to live in London for a while...

    My heart just urged me to write this to you. Please apologize for my English, my languages are German and French, but it is my pleasure tu write in English. I think it will not be my last comment!!!

